Private Practice

Dr. Koen Depuydt
Ninoofsesteenweg 223d
B-1755 Gooik 02 793 03 85

Office hours

Wednesday5 – 10 h
Friday7.30 – 12 h & 13.30 – 18 h

AZ Sint Maria Halle

Dr. Koen Depuydt
Ziekenhuislaan 100
B-1500 Halle 02 363 66 82 02 363 61 39

Office hours

Tuesday7.30 – 12 h
Wednesday7.30 – 12 h

My team

Consultations are held and treatment is provided at the private practice in Gooik or St Maria General Hospital in Halle. The plastic surgery team based there will be happy to help you further. To make an appointment, kindly contact Tessa Eylenbosch at the secretarial office. Sofie Debraekeleer is the nurse in the operating theatre who is on hand to look after you and to assist me.

Make an appointment online

You can schedule your appointment via our website. Click on the button below and follow the instructions on the webpage.

Make an appointment

Ask your question

Attention: during an initial consultation, I will provide you additional information about treatments, practical concerns, reimbursement by the health insurance fund and prices of aesthetic procedures.