Several of these techniques are often combined during one operation to get the best results.
Multiple scars after a facial crush-trauma in childhood. Rhinoplasty, mentoplasty (implant), reduction of the upper lip on the right side, lipofilling of the lips and scar corrections of cheeks, chin and nose.
Multiple scars after a facial crush-trauma in childhood. Rhinoplasty, mentoplasty (implant), reduction of the upper lip on the right side, lipofilling of the lips and scar corrections of cheeks, chin and nose.
Multiple scars after a facial crush-trauma in childhood. Rhinoplasty, mentoplasty (implant), reduction of the upper lip on the right side, lipofilling of the lips and scar corrections of cheeks, chin and nose.
Multiple scars after a facial crush-trauma in childhood. Rhinoplasty, mentoplasty (implant), reduction of the upper lip on the right side, lipofilling of the lips and scar corrections of cheeks, chin and nose.
Multiple scars after a facial crush-trauma in childhood. Rhinoplasty, mentoplasty (implant), reduction of the upper lip on the right side, lipofilling of the lips and scar corrections of cheeks, chin and nose.